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5 Strategies To Keep You Going In 2020

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5 Strategies To Keep You Going When You Feel Like Giving Up

    1. Set Smarter Goals
    2. Follow Your Passion
    3. Workout
    4. Find A Door
    5. Get A Community That Empowers You

2020 is upon us, and if you are anything like most people, I bet you have a couple of resolutions.

But here's the thing:

How many New Year's resolutions have you kept since last year? Again, if you are like most people, you probably quit barely halfway in. Still, if you truly want something badly enough, your mind and body will tap into all the drive you need to deliver you to your goals.

5 Tips To Keep Going When You Feel Like Giving Up:

1. Set Smarter Goals

We often quit as we do not have a clear vision. Saying you want to get fit is not enough to be considered a smart goal.

Smart goals are specific and meaningful. They are time-bound and backed by a plan. Smart goals are evaluated regularly and re-adjusted.

Now, let's go back to our goal of getting fit. You could break it down to something like, run a half marathon in 7 months and have a workout plan to help you achieve that.

That is a smart goal. It is specific (run a half marathon), and time-bound (7-months).

The second part of making smarter goals is identifying what they mean to you. If you are to keep at it for 6, 7, 8 months, you have to know why you want it so badly.

2. Follow Your Passion

"You have to be burning with an idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to right. If you're not passionate enough from the start, you'll never stick it out." – Steve Jobs

Other than smart goals, passion will invigorate you whenever you feel like quitting. I know doing what you love and making money from it sounds like a dream, but dreams do come true.

Do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life. And if you are not doing what you would like to be doing, then think of it as a means to get to where you want to be.

Passion for what you do keeps you enthralled and going.

Man Running

3. Workout

A long run or a session of throwing heavy weights around will clear your mind. So get moving, squatting, or lifting whenever you want to give up.

Getting physical not only keeps you healthy, but it helps you overcome the mental obstacles.


When you come across imaginary limits, make them physical, and then smash them out of the park. Say, it is a business challenge, you can equate it to lifting beyond your weight limit. Once you challenge yourself and get a taste of success, that taste will fuel your hunger for more.

4. Find a Door

According to David Goggins, there are no limits. What you think is your limit is simply a wall, but the good thing about this wall is that it has a door.

Once you encounter the wall, go right or go left until you find the door, then go through it. Essentially, it means trying out new ways to overcome a problem until you find a solution.

By and large, keep going.

Community of friends skiing

5. Join A Community That Empowers You

You are a summation of who you hang out with. Your friends either empower you or drag you down. Finding the right network will bring positivity and accountability to the daily challenges you may be facing.


Yesterday is in the rear-view mirror and you are in the driver’s seat. Equipped with the right strategies and mindset, 2020 is in your lane. Go get it.


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