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Abs For Men Over 40: Everything You Need To Know

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Why Core Strength Is Important

Core and ab workouts have a lot of benefits, especially for people who suffer chronic lower back pain. Many men over 40 who suffer from chronic back pain think that engaging their core or doing ab exercises will worsen the pain. However, the right workout routine can actually help! Before we dive into the ab workouts for men that will give you results, we'll explain why having a solid core is essential, especially for those over 40.

benefits of core exercises

Benefits of Core Workouts

Better Stability & Balance

A strong core helps improve stability and balance when carrying out normal activities like working out or playing sports with your children and friends.

More Toned & Defined Abs

Core exercises help tone the abs by making the muscles more defined. If you have a lot of fat stored in your abdominal area, you can incorporate aerobic exercises into your ab workout routine before starting on the ab workouts.

Prevent Injury

Core strength prevents injuries and poor posture. Since most of your daily activities depend on the strength of your core, having a weak body core makes you vulnerable to fatigue, lower back pain, injuries, and poor posture as you keep aging. You can do this using different plank workout variations.

Improve Overall Fitness

A strong core will help you achieve your fitness goals. You'll gain the stability to carry out aerobic exercise and muscular fitness workouts.

3 Best Core & Ab Exercises For Men Over 40

Hollow Hold

man doing hollow hold ab exercise

This core exercise is great for those with chronic back pain because it gives your back security as you work on your core. To perform the hollow hold:

  • Start by lying on your back with your arms at your sides. Make sure you press your lower back against the floor.
  • Then lift your feet off the floor.
  • Finish by raising your shoulders a few inches off the floor and extending your arms. You can also support your neck by lightly placing your hands behind your head.

It will be challenging at first, so start by bending your knees while doing the hold. The idea is to build endurance. Begin by doing three or four reps for 10-15 seconds as you build endurance and strength.


man doing a plank for core strength

Planks can help define and tone the core muscles of the body, making it ideal for men over 40. This highly effective exercise promotes both aerobic and muscular fitness. It tones the abs and works on the muscles surrounding the chest and spine. Here's how to plank properly:

  • Position your elbows under your shoulders and stretch your legs out behind you, with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Lift your body off the floor with your feet. If this is too difficult for you, start by lifting your body with your elbows and knees.
  • As you push your body away from the ground, be sure to pull your belly button in towards your spine.
  • Hold the position for about 15-30 seconds, then take a break on your knees.
  • Repeat this process about two to three times. As you push your body away from the ground, be sure to pull your belly button in towards your spine.

As you keep building endurance, your core will tighten and provide more support to your back, reducing back pain over time.

Dumbbell Press With Sumo Squat

sumo squat

This core workout has two variations: with your palms either facing forward or facing each other. Using dumbbells here helps to add resistance. You can also modify by doing the squat without extending your arms, to make this exercise doable if you have arthritis or mobility issues.

Here's how to perform the dumbbell press with sumo squat:

  • Holding the dumbbells, lower yourself down into a sumo squat.
  • When you push back up, make sure that your weight is in your heels and not your toes.
  • As you reach the standing position, squeeze your glutes and extend your arms overhead.
  • If you feel like you are arching your back as you raise the dumbbells, then the weights are likely too heavy. Start with lighter weight and build as you get stronger.

Even though this is a full-body exercise, it still has a lot of muscle-building impact on your core and improves posture.

Mdrive is the everyday supplement for driven men, providing you more energy, strength, and drive. Join the Driven and stay tuned to learn more workout routines!

1 comment on Abs For Men Over 40: Everything You Need To Know
  • rich
    rich — April 19, 2022

    how about some tool stretching exercises

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