Your Prime Years Are Ahead, Not Behind

Do you feel that your energy, libido or muscle mass keep getting worse as you age? You’re not alone. As men age our testosterone levels steadily drop, affecting a lot more than you may realize. But you can fight back. Read on to learn how.

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The #1 Men’s Health Brand at Sprouts
Testosterone levels steadily decline starting in men's 30's while cortisol levels slowly rise over time.

Your Testosterone Is Dropping 1-2% Every Year

Testosterone is a key hormone for men to maintain energy, vitality, strength and overall well-being. As men age, testosterone levels naturally decline 1-2% every year, which can lead to a host of issues like decreased energy, reduced motivation, weight gain, and diminished performance in life and in the bedroom.

Additionally, total testosterone levels are 20-22% lower today than they were in 1999* in young men, making it even more crucial to support this critical hormone as men age.

But the good news here is that your health is in your hands. If you’re willing to tweak your lifestyle and supplement properly, you can maintain healthy testosterone levels and improve your quality of life.

Effects of deficient testosterone levels in men: Lower Energy, Lower Muscle Mass & Strength, More Body Fat, Low Libido, Less Motivation. Effects of normal testosterone levels in men: More Energy, Muscle Mass & Strength, Improved Body Composition, Healthy Libid, More Confidence Effects of deficient testosterone levels in men: Lower Energy, Lower Muscle Mass & Strength, More Body Fat, Low Libido, Less Motivation. Effects of normal testosterone levels in men: More Energy, Muscle Mass & Strength, Improved Body Composition, Healthy Libid, More Confidence

Your New Strategy for Increasing Your Testosterone

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M Drive testosterone support supplements for men are engineered with adaptogens, clinically tested ingredients and key vitamins and minerals shown to increase testosterone and boost male vitality, in just 2 or 3 small capsules a day.

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Want to Learn More About Testosterone Support?

The Science Behind Testosterone Boosters: What Works and What Doesn’t

Discover the science behind testosterone boosters and learn what really works to increase testosterone levels naturally. Explore proven natural testosterone boosters, effective lifestyle changes, and debunk common myths. Boost your...

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*Sources: Testosterone levels show steady decrease among young US men, K. Kahl (Urology Times Journal, 2020); Decline in Serum Testosterone Levels Among Adolescent and Young Adult Men in the USA, S. Lokeshwara, P. Patelb, R. Fantus, et al (European Urology Focus, 2020)